For those who haven't noticed the changes around the old ZDC website, we're slowly but surely having a facelift! As I once said on instagram... It looks like I practice what I preach because I've been developing this coaching website in a painfully slowly step-by-step fashion. Luckily, it's paying off, as the changes are becoming more noticeable, and more professional. The first change (as you can see by the quote art) is the brand color! I've gone with a nice obsidian blue and mint green color-way. It's deep, dark, and intense with the blue, but open, fun, and kind of boho with the green. Me likey. You'll start seeing these color changes reflected on all of my social media platforms: Next up, we have a brand new logo! It's something I'm really proud of. I've been working with the team at from12yards since December to make this and it's turned out so much cooler and better than anything I would have imagined. They are the kings of abstract soccer artwork, and I'm so happy to have their support developing this logo. Check it out: We have so much more in store, so stay tuned on whichever social media channel you prefer.
I can't wait to share it all! -Z
Zak DrakeI love helping players optimize their soccer careers + lives through actualizing their potential. Categories
June 2018